
Rhizobia are a diverse group of bacteria that engage in symbioses with the roots of leguminous host plants. Once established as symbionts, these bacteria reduce dinitrogen to a form the plant can use for growth. Symbiotic bacteria contribute significantly to an ecologically-sound and cost-efficient nitrogen supply. Most rhizobia (order Rhizobiales) belong to families within the Alphaproteobacteria subdivision.

The RhizoGATE portal was established by a consortium as a single access site to genome and postgenome data of this group of bacteria to facilitate data management and access to information. It integrates a number of analysis tools and data repositories.

Public Rhizobium genome browser RhizoGate Data Warehouse (discontinued) Analysis and repository of transcriptome data NodMutDB (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, USA) Sinorhizobium meliloti ORFeome Database (Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, USA) Sinorhizobium meliloti gene fusion library (Genome Canada, McMaster University Hamilton, Canada) Custom Affymetrix Symbiosis GeneChip (Stanford University, USA) RhizoRegNet EDGAR - Efficient Database framework for comparative Genome Analysis using BLAST score Ratios S. meliloti mutants and arrays

The RhizoGATE consortium

Analysis tools and data repositories

In depth information on the analysis tools and data repositories can be found on the tools page.

Publisher's details

Responsible Person:
Prof. Dr. Anke Becker

Please contact us by e-mail to anke.becker() if there are mistakes, errors or questions. Any error report is welcome! Check again in the near future for added functionality and updated information.

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Some links provided on these pages will lead you to external web pages (in a new window of your browser) that we did not implement. We do not have any influence on the contents of these web pages, they are provided for your information only. Although carefully checked, we are not responsible in any way for contents or layout of these pages. We are also not responsible for electronic messages that you may receive from the owners of these web pages.

LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology
Comparative Genomics

Prof. Dr. Anke Becker
35032 Marburg


© 2007 RhizoGATE