Postal Address

Universität Bielefeld
Centrum für Biotechnologie - CeBiTec
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld

fax: +49 521.106-8 90 41


Universität Bielefeld
Centrum für Biotechnologie - CeBiTec
Universitätsstraße 27
D-33615 Bielefeld

Address for navigation devices

City: Bielefeld
Postcode: 33615
Street: Sequenz



Maps of Bielefeld University can be found here. The CeBiTec building is labelled as number 3 on the Campus Map and as building part G on the 'Plan of the Main Building'.
Attention: By car the CeBiTec building and its parking area are only accessible via the streets 'Wertherstraße – Konsequenz – Definition – Sequenz' running southwestern of the university main building.

Scientific Director

Prof. Dr. V. F. Wendisch

Executive Secretary

Dr. L. Wobbe


G. Lehmann