Developmental steps
2024-10-22 | Decision by the rectorate to continue CeBiTec as a central academic institute for a further five years |
2024-09-25 | 11th CeBiTec General Meeting with an election of Executive Board members Election of Prof Dr Volker Wendisch as the Scientific Director Election of Prof Dr Andrea Bräutigam as the Deputy Scientific Director Reappointment of Dr Lutz Wobbe as Chief Operating Officer |
2024-09-16 | 13th International CeBiTec Research Conference Bielefeld: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology -Prospects and challenges for the development of algal biotechnology |
2023-02-13 | 9th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2022-03-28 | 11th International CeBiTec Research Conference Bielefeld: Intensifying Biocatalytic Processes: From Enzyme and Material Design to Industrial Applications (IBPRO2022) |
2021-09-13 | 10th International CeBiTec Research Conference Bielefeld: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: Prospects and challenges for the development of algal biotechnology |
2021-07-05 | 8th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2021-01-01 | Dr Lutz Wobbe takes over as CeBiTec Executive Secretary permanently after serving as acting Executive Secretary |
2020-04-26 | Dr Stefan Weidner, CeBiTec Executive Secretary since 2004 and one of the leading figures in the process of establishing the CeBiTec and shaping its structure dies suddenly and unexpectedly |
2020-02-25 | Appointment of the new Scientific Advisory Board of the CeBiTec by the Rektorat |
2019-03-26 | 10th General meeting of the CeBiTec and election of the current Executive Board |
2019-02-15 | Adoption of the new Statute by the Senate of Bielefeld University |
2018-09-24 | Celebration of 20th anniversary of the CeBiTec |
2017-09-24 | 7th Int. Bielefeld-CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: Prospects and challenges for the development of algal biotechnology |
2016-12-05 | 5th Meeting of of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2016-09-26 | 6th Int. Bielefeld-CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: New Techniques, Substrates and Products for Bioprocesses |
2016-07-04 | 11th CeBiTec Symposium: Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics in Human Health and Disease |
2016-05-10 | Appointment of the new Scientific Advisory Board of the CeBiTec by the Rektorat |
2015-12-03 | Resolution of the Rektorat on the continuation of the CeBiTec as central academic institute of Bielefeld Universtity for further eight years Restructuring of the CeBiTec: dissolution of the institute-based structure and introduction of two Research Areas |
2015-09-20 | 5th Int. Bielefeld-CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: Drug Conjugates for Directed Therapy |
2015-04-28 | Nomination by the Rektorat of Prof. Dr. O. Kruse as Scientific Director of the CeBiTec, and Prof. Dr. T. Noll as Vice Scientific Director |
2015-03-23 | 10th CeBiTec Symposium: Bioinformatics for Biotechnology and Biomedicine |
2014-09-21 | 4th Int. Bielefeld-CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: Prospects and challenges for the development of algal biotechnology |
2014-04-03 | 9th CeBiTec Symposium: Molecular Biotechnology |
2013-10-28 | 8th CeBiTec Symposium: The Genomics Revolution and its Impact on Future Biotechnology |
2013-09-22 | 3rd Int. Bielefeld-CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology: Synthetic Pathways and Reaction Cascades |
2013-03-10 | Detachment of the Bielefeld Institute for Biophysics and Nanoscience (BINAS) from the CeBiTec |
2013-02-14 | 4th Meeting of of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2013-01-09 | second funding period for the CLIB Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology |
2012-12-17 | 7th CeBiTec Symposium: Bio-integrated Organic Synthesis in Industry: Biocatalytic Breakthroughs, Industrial Processes, Emerging Fields |
2012-11-16 | Grant from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) to support the Technology Platform Bioinformatics during the next three years |
2011-11-07 | Publication of the fifth CeBiTec broshure (Research Groups) |
2011-11-07 | official opening of the 'BioEnergieTechnikum' |
2011-09-18 | 2nd ESF-BU-CeBiTec Conference: Microorganisms for Bio-fuel Production from Sunlight |
2011-07-18 | 6th CeBiTec Symposium: Genome-based Microbiology – From -omics Research to Systems and Synthetic Biology |
2011-05-04 | official opening of the pupils’ laboratory 'teutolab biotechnologie' |
2010-11-21 | 1st ESF-BU-CeBiTec Conference: Microbes and Industrial Biotechnology |
2010-10-29 | formal handing-over of duties as Scientific Director to Prof. Dr. Thomas Noll by the rectorate |
2010-07-16 | 7th General meeting of the CeBiTec and election of the current Executive Board, Election of Prof. Dr. T. Noll as Scientific Director of the CeBiTec, election of Prof. Dr. B. Weisshaar as Vice Scientific Director, reappointment of Dr. S. Weidner as Executive Director |
2010-06-15 | Adoption of the modified Statute by the Senate of Bielefeld University |
2010-05-10 | Grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for Application-oriented Research on Non-Pathogenic Microorganisms for Health, Nutrition and Ressource-Efficient Industry Production – GenoMik-Transfer |
2010-05-03 | Publication of the fourth CeBiTec brochure (A Decade) |
2010-05-03 | 5th CeBiTec Symposium: New Frontiers in Microbial Genome Research |
2009-11-16 | 3rd meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2009-08-25 | 4th CeBiTec Symposium:bioIMAGING |
2009-04-01 | Start of the CLIB Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology |
2009-03-01 | Completion of the second part of the CeBiTec building |
2008-08-12 | 3rd CeBiTec Symposium: Solar Bio-Fuels |
2008-05-08 | Reelection of Prof. Dr. A. Pühler as Speaker of the CeBiTec Executive Board, reappointment of Dr. S. Weidner as Executive Director |
2008-04-28 | 5th General meeting of the CeBiTec and election of the Executive Board |
2007-08-23 | Topping-out ceremony of the second part of the CeBiTec building |
2007-07-04 | 2nd CeBiTec Symposium: The Future of Genome Research in the Light of Ultrafast Sequencing Technologies |
2007-02-28 | Official inauguration of the CeBiTec building |
2007-02-27 | 2nd meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2007-02-27 | Publication of the third CeBiTec brochure |
2007-01-30 | Inauguration of the Institute of Biochemistry and Bioengineering (BioChemTech) |
2006-07-24 | Grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the Competence Network Genome Research on Bacteria relevant for Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology – GenoMik-Plus |
2006-06-06 | 1st CeBiTec-Symposium: Molecular Systems Biology |
2006-03-03 | 3rd General meeting of the CeBiTec and election of the Executive Board, reelection of Prof. Dr. A. Pühler as Speaker of the CeBiTec Executive Board, reappointment of Dr. S. Weidner as Executive Director of the CeBiTec |
2005-11-18 | Constitutive meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board at Bielefeld University |
2005-11-15 | Publication of the second CeBiTec brochure |
2005-11-09 | Nomination of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board through the Senate of the Bielefeld University |
2005-10-20 | Topping-out ceremony of the first part of the new CeBiTec building |
2004-10-19 | Laying of the cornerstone for the CeBiTec building at Bielefeld University |
2004-04-22 | Inauguration of the Bielefeld Institute for Biophysics and Nanoscience (BINAS) |
2004-03-17 | Establishment of Coordination Committees for the Bioinformatics Resource Facility and the International Graduate School in Bioinformatics and Genome Research by the Executive Board |
2004-02-27 | 1st General meeting of the CeBiTec and election of the Executive Board, election of Prof. Dr. A. Pühler as Speaker of the CeBiTec Executive Board, appointment of Dr. S. Weidner as Executive Director of the CeBiTec |
2003-12-03 | Adoption of the modified Statute by the Senate of Bielefeld University |
2003-02-13 | Inauguration of the Institute for Genome Research |
2002-12-05 | Inauguration of the Institute for Bioinformatics |
2001-12-03 | Grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the establishment of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 613 Physics of Single Molecule Processes and Molecular Recognition in Organic Systems |
2001-08-15 | Grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the Competence Network Genome Research on Bacteria relevant for Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology - GenoMik |
2001-06-21 | Grant from the Ministry of Education and Research (MSWF) of the State Northrhine Westfalia for the establishment of an International Graduate School in Bioinformatics and Genome Research |
2000-10-01 | Grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the establishment of a Research Training Group Bioinformatics |
2000-09-14 | Grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the establishment of Institutes for Bioinformatics and Genome Research at Bielefeld University |
1999-12-08 | Publication of the first CeBiTec brochure |
1998-12-21 | 1st meeting of the Executive Board, election of Prof. Dr. J. Lehmann as CeBiTec-Speaker |
1998-09-25 | Establishment of the CeBiTec through the Senate of the Bielefeld University, adoption of the 1st Statute |