Technology Platforms
The availability of comprehensive technological infrastructure as being provided by CeBiTec’s technology platforms is crucial for a successful scientific work. The Technology Platform Genomics supports genome and post-genome research by high-throuput technologies. The Technology Platform Bioinformatics consists of two groups. The Bioinformatics Resource Facility (BRF) operates a complex and highly specialized hardware and software infrastructure which forms the basis for the academic and scientific activities within CeBiTec. The Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services (BiBiServ) provides a collection of bioinformatical tools, support services, and eLearning courses for public access over the internet. Within the Technology Platform Fermentation and Bioenergy the optimization of microorganisms and cell culture fermentation and enzymatic reactions is the focus of the fermentation unit whereas the BioEnergieTechnikum (BET) is a technical center for bioenergy research. The infrastructure allows interdisciplinary research projects to be conducted and scaled-up to a technically relevant size.